5 Reasons Divorce Lawyers Terrify You and Helpful Ways to Find A Good One
Written by: Megan Dell
Getting divorced is already scary. Then, choosing the right divorce lawyer and hiring the right divorce lawyer feels terrifying and overwhelming.
Finding the right divorce lawyer, and hiring a divorce lawyer requires entrusting them to have the litigation skills and legal knowledge to accomplish your goals. If you later find out you were wrong about their abilities, it can feel like they betrayed you. Hiring a divorce lawyer is expensive and if you think you’ve made the wrong choice, consider firing the wrong divorce lawyer.
In this article we share reasons why your potential lawyer is a fool and ways to find a good divorce lawyer and screen potential attorneys to represent you. Divorce attorneys should be experts at family law, have an excellent local reputation, and a diverse portfolio of divorce clients.
Common Ways Divorce Lawyers Disappoint Clients
Over time, we’ve talked to many clients who have been disappointed by their lawyers. Here are the most common reasons a client loses faith in their divorce lawyer:
1. The lawyer doesn’t have the skill, or put in the preparation, to accomplish the client’s goals.
If your lawyer is surprised by the behavior of your spouse, or their lawyer, it’s reasonable to have less confidence in them. If you go into Family Court and expect a particular result – based on your lawyer’s advice – and something completely different happens, then you are likely to be upset and maybe even angry. Similarly, if a lawyer comes to a court appearance or other case-related event without being prepared and knowledgeable about the details of your situation, you might feel like your case is unimportant to them.
2. The lawyer doesn’t communicate with the client.
Most people going through divorce are anxious about how their case is progressing. When a lawyer does not respond to a client’s calls or emails, or provide guidance on how to move the case forward, clients get more anxious and, then, frustrated. If a lawyer is not communicating, then the client gets upset.
Similarly, most people know very little about how the South Carolina Family Court operates and what facts are relevant for accomplishing their goals. When a lawyer fails to communicate with the client about how the law is likely to be applied in their case, the client is left feeling disoriented.
3. The lawyer is not respected by others.
Every client wants to believe they have the best, most fierce, and determined lawyer in Family Court. Of course, not every lawyer can be “the best,” but it’s important for the lawyer to be taken seriously by judges and other lawyers. Especially in divorce and custody cases, the client must feel confident their lawyer is not going to be bullied or manipulated by the other party or their lawyer.
4. The lawyer’s fees exceed the client’s budget.
The divorce process can be expensive, and some lawyers are not able to offer their legal services at a rate that is affordable for a client. Finding out your lawyer is more expensive than you expected can be devastating early in a divorce case.
5. The lawyer is unable to make progress toward the client’s goals.
Many divorce cases become a battle of wills, and one strategy can be to prevent any progress toward a resolution. When their lawyer is unable to find ways to move a case forward, a client can feel stuck and like they have no control over their life. Additionally, clients do not all have the same goals, but some lawyers are unable to develop a strategy to accomplish a specific goal that is important to a client.
Questions to Ask to Find Good Divorce Lawyers
As you look for your divorce lawyer, here are some questions to ask during a consultation to figure out whether one is the right fit for you.
- How many cases with facts like mine have you handled before?
- How many cases have you handled in the county where my case will be filed?
- How many clients with goals similar to mine have you represented?
- How do you prepare for a court appearance?
- How much involvement will I have in preparing for court or mediation?
- How and when can I expect your office to communicate with me?
- How will I know that my case is moving forward?
- How quickly can we have a phone conversation if I request one?
- How much can I expect my case to cost? What factors will affect the total cost? Over what time period will those fees accrue?
- What makes my case unique from others you have handled? How would that affect our strategy?
- What have your former clients complained about? How have you responded to those complaints?
- What do you believe your reputation is within the legal community? What makes you believe that?
Due Diligence for Your Unique Divorce Case!
The time to research is now, before you’ve hired someone to represent you in court. We recommend you read verified online reviews like Google reviews and check all of their social media platforms. Talk to friends and ask for referrals to their divorce lawyer if they had a positive experience getting legal services.
Getting started with divorce proceedings by hiring Family Court legal representation is often the hardest step to take! You can do it.