How to Easily Change the Name You Hate in South Carolina Family Court

When navigating how to legally change your name in South Carolina or wondering "how to get name changed", you may be surprised by how challenging the change process can be. Especially if you often think, "I hate my last name." Reasons to Want a Change...
Read More3 Reasons Military Divorces Are Harder to Resolve

Military divorces are common in the greater Charleston area because there are four military installations nearby. If you are in the military or married to someone in the military, and considering divorce, then read on to learn how military divorces can be...
Read MoreMandatory Mediation in South Carolina Family Court

Mandatory mediation is an integral part of resolving various family law matters in South Carolina Family Court. This article provides a detailed overview of mandatory mediation, focusing on its application in child support and divorce cases. We will explore...
Read MoreSouth Carolina Court Orders in Family Court

When navigating South Carolina Family Court, it can be difficult to make sense of all the legal documents and terminology, especially South Carolina court orders. There are three main types of court order: Temporary South Carolina Court Orders A...
Read MoreParental Alienation in South Carolina Family Court

There are frequently allegations of parental alienation in South Carolina Family Court. It is one of the most complicated concepts to untangle in child custody cases. Parental alienation is the process by which a child's relationship with one parent becomes...
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