Tag Archives: divorce

Why Discovery is Important in Every Divorce to Avoid Getting Burned

When going through a divorce everyone wants an uncontested divorce. However, each marriage is different. Sometimes, there is suspicion that a spouse is having an affair. Or, in some marriages, one spouse may not know anything about the household...


Habitual Drunkenness Can Be a Devastating Reason for Divorce Litigation

In South Carolina, habitual drunkenness is one reason to seek a divorce. Habitual drunkenness is one of four fault grounds. The other fault grounds are adultery, physical cruelty, and desertion. S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-10 also provides a “no fault” ground...


How to Easily Change the Name You Hate in South Carolina Family Court

When navigating how to legally change your name in South Carolina or wondering "how to get name changed", you may be surprised by how challenging the change process can be. Especially if you often think, "I hate my last name." Reasons to Want a Change...


Q1: Prime Time to File for Divorce?

When is the best time of the year to file for Divorce? A lot of people file for divorce at the beginning of the year. While divorce professionals don’t all agree in the reasons why this happens, here are a few theories. The Holidays Are Over Our...


11 Songs About Divorce

Many people can identify with the emotions related to divorce, and divorce happens frequently enough that movies, television, and music reference it all the time. Songs About Divorce You Need to Listen to! Here are 11 songs about divorce, equitable...